
Utilery comes with a very lite plugin system.

A plugin is a python class that implements one or more hooks. Here is a very basic example:

class MyPlugin(object):

    def on_request(self, endpoint, request, **kwargs):
        if request.path == 'xxx':
            return some_response

You then need to register it.

Registering a plugin

Just add its path into the PLUGINS config key.

PLUGINS = ['']

You can also add the plugin reference directly:

class MyPlugin(object):

PLUGINS = [MyPlugin]



Sent before loading the recipes.


on_load(config, recipes)

Sent after loading the recipes.


  • config: the config object
  • recipes: the loaded recipes

on_request(endpoint, request, **kwargs)

Sent on request processing. If the hook returns a response, this response will be used and returned without calling the others hooks in the list nor the utilery view.


  • endpoint: the targeted endpoint (one of pbf, json, geojson, tilejson)
  • request: the processed request. It's a Werkzeug request instance.
  • **kwargs URL kwargs of the endpoint; for the tile endpoints: recipe, names, z, x, y.

on_response(response, request)

Sent on request processing. If the hook returns a response, this response will be used and returned instead of the normal response.
