Utilery configuration


Looking at examples is often the best way to learn, so here are some:


You'll need, at minimum, two configuration files: one python configuration file, and one YAML file.

The python configuration file describes how Utilery should deal with the current environment, so basically you'll set on this file the database crendentials and the paths of the YAML recipe(s).

A recipe is a YAML file that describres how to request data to PostgreSQL; you'll have at least one, but you can have as many as you want.

Python configuration

This is a normal python file. You need to set an environment variable so that Utilery knows where to look for it:

export UTILERY_SETTINGS=/home/tile/local.py

DATABASES (dict) - required

    "default": "dbname=utilery user=osm password=osm host=localhost"

This dictionnary needs to contain all the database credentials that will be referred to by the recipes. Usually it will have one default key. Values are on the LibPQ connection string format.

PLUGINS (list)

PLUGINS = ['path.to.MyPlugin']

It's a list of paths to optional plugins.

RECIPES (list) - required

RECIPES = ['/home/tile/utilery-osm-recipe/utilery.yml']

It's a list of paths to recipes.


    "tilejson": "2.1.0",
    "name": "utilery",
    "description": "A lite vector tile server",
    "scheme": "xyz",
    "format": "pbf",
    "tiles": [

Default dict to use when serving the /tilejson/ endpoint.


Each recipe is a single YAML file.

Inheritable keys

Those keys can be set at the first level of the YAML file, or at the layer level or at the query level.

buffer (integer) — optional — default: 0

Optional buffer (in pixels) to use when querying data.

clip (boolean) — optional — default: false

Weither to clip or not the data to the tile bbox.

dbname (string) — optional — default: "default"

Name of the database to use. This name must be referenced in the DATABASES key of the python configuration.

srid (integer) — optional — default: 900913

SRID to use.

First level keys

layers (sequence) - required

A sequence of layers mappings.

name (string) — optional — default: "default"

Required when you have more than one recipe.

Layer keys

The keys to use in each layer entry.

name (string) — required

The name of the layer. This is the name to be used when requesting for only one layer in the API endpoints.

queries (sequence) - required

A sequence of query mappings.

Query keys

maxzoom (integer) — optional — default: 0

Maximum zoom this query should be run at.

minzoom (integer) — optional — default: 0

Minimum zoom this query should be run at.

sql (string) — required

The actual sql to be run for this query. Must expose the geometry column as way. Available variables: !bbox!, !zoom!, !pixel_width!.